This web site aims to educate, persuade and motivate us all towards saving our one and only planet (of course there's always room for improvement there :-) because nobody is perfect. Only our planet and nature!
We look forward to receiving your comments and participation in the discussions. Otherwise we believe the discussion happens more naturally and better on our social media channels like on our page on CEE.
You can freely criticize WWF - we value that, because we learn from it.
But when it comes to other people, we need to be respectful of their individual opinions and viewpoints.
Therefore, we will not publish and will remove comments that:
- Bully, threaten, or slander another person
- Contain swear words or other sorts of profanity
- Pretend to be someone else
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- Promote, advertise, post commercial material, or link to commercial websites
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- Spam (the horror of it!)
Thank you for visiting us, and see you next time!
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